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uQualio’s Release Notes 2024

Here you find information about the newest developments and features on the uQualio software platform. You can also visit uQualio’s Development Roadmap to see what new developments the pipeline brings.

15 October, 2024


  • Directory displays the user’s invites and in progress courses faster as we have removed not needed data selections. The data is displayed faster we filter the original data selection instead of re-selecting the same data.
  • Course Manager: Content version is clearer marked when there is a draft in progress. Text sizes are made uniform for the details for each course manager item.
  • Dashboards showed error in data selection for some accounts. This is now fixed. It was for accounts with only one channel that the data was not shown.
  • Minor improvements and fixes.

14 October, 2024


  • Resource Lists are moved to Library. There are four list types in the system: Users, Courses, Groups, and Resources. Resources are not related to the content structures or users. It is related to uploaded documents etc. in Library. To make this more consistent Resource Lists are now available as sub menu in Library.
  • Library: The two upload actions for Files and Videos are merged to one. Now you upload all file types at the same time.
  • Directory Tag cloud reconfigured to show only the most used tags The user can expand the cloud to show all tags.
  • Quick Create accepts link to YouTube or Vimeo when they are enabled in Configuration -> Integration -> Integrations. This makes it fast to create new courses or add topics to existing courses using videos from YouTube or Vimeo.
  • Performance improvement for a number of operations on the platform due to implementation of a memory caching mechanism. Standard, non-volitile queries are cached which improves performance in many, but not all, cases.
  • Minor improvements and fixes.

8 October, 2024


  • Achievement export is update to make a more consistent export. The footer is updated to a more simple layout. Further changes will come in the next release.
  • Create achievement is faster as the certificate image is generated in the background. The user does not have to the wait for the image to be ready before the achivement page is displayed.
  • Report Summary as new report section with dashboard summary of the report data. Reports in Reports, Users, and Course Page Reports now have a Report Summary section. Here you see summary data in dashboard format. The report details are hidden until you select to see them.
  • Report grids now display the ‘Expand all’/’Hide all’ actions again, when one or more fields are used for grouping.
  • Ukrainian translation of the end user application is updated.
  • Minor improvements and fixes.

4 October, 2024


  • User Home has an overview dashboard added. It gives the user the overview of her courses etc.
  • Report grids – improved Column Chooser. We have updated the column chooser for reporting grids. The new chooser is faster and shows the column selection as you make changes. It is also possible to search in the column list.
  • Report Summary dashboards are updated and make available in Staging for final pre-release testing internally.
  • Minor improvements and fixes.

3 October, 2024


  • Report date ranges are now shown in the range selector. You see that the current selection is based on a defined range incl. when it is dynamic like e.g. ‘Last 30 days’.
  • Menu items Users and Programs simplified. Users no longer has a link to Programs. Programs no longer has a link to Users. This removes redundancy and makes it easier to find the right area in first click.
  • Report Summary: Dashboard design updated. Better data item names added.
  • Quick Create for Free Trial accounts is updated. The user goes directly to upload the file to new content.
  • User subreports did not apply all conditions to the report. Inactive users did not get included when the setting ‘Include Inactive’ as set for the report.
  • User Registration Forms: the number of custom fields is limited to 10 fields in addition to the system’s defined fields.
  • Minor improvements and fixes.

29 September, 2024


  • ‘About’ widget updated on Course Page and Channel Page. When expanded a box is shown to separate the text from the rest of the page.
  • Reset Password email now shows the user and the email of the user who requested the password. This helps you understand why you receivied the password reset email.
  • Mail footer information with generation timestamp is removed. It was a leftover from when we had problems with email generation and delivery.
  • Tags on Directory page have been updated. The text is made easier to read, the text is clearer marked as a link for the user to search with, and the list of tags is limited to 20 in the first display. The user can decide to expand the full tags list.
  • Report ‘User Invites’ shows the course name with a link to the course page. Previously the column was not filled.
  • Report performance was impacted by the new report summary. This is now fixed.
  • Report Summary is now available in Staging (internal test only).
  • Minor improvements and fixes.

25 September, 2024


  • Cover images reduced to one image only. Now the cover image is used for browser, tablet, and device image. The device page uses the cover image in the aspect ratio from the browser with texts outside the image.
  • Course Page count down for course start or course end now shows with visible font color.
  • New Image editor available. We have added the option to edit images after upload. You can make transformation, color changes, add text, add overlays with other images etc. with the new image editor. The image editor is available from Library and when you have uploaded an image.
  • New report page structure is being implemented with the first elements being released to customers now. This includes the option to show summary data as dashboard elements in the Report Summary section. Report data can be loaded in details if needed.
  • uQualio tutorial platform: If you were invited to courses on the tutorial platform, then your invites where not listed in the directory page with invited courses. This is now fixed so your courses are displayed in ‘Invited’.
  • Enabling extended logging is only available to enable/disable for uQualio admin in My Accounts.
  • System searches were saved with Users Lists references. When used then accounts would see now data as it is only in the admin’s version that the Users Lists are available. System searches are now saved without Users Lists ids.
  • Minor improvements and fixes.

11 September, 2024


  • Reports exclude InActive users from user related reports. Customer feedback shows that they are not relevant in most searches.
  • Channel Editor: The sample course tiles are now clearly marked with ‘sample’ and shown in toned down mode.
  • Library: Edit image files is now available in Library. Only available in Development.
  • Single Cover Image configuration made for existing customers. Preparation for update of Production.
  • Dashboard endpoints updated to match new report design.
  • Minor improvements and fixes.

6 September, 2024


  • Admins can edit courses and channels directly from Directory listings and the carousels. You click on the pencil icon in the upper right corner of the tile. This brings you directly to Content Editor or Channel Editor for quick navigation.
  • Resource titles are made longer for channel and course pages. Previously the title was cut at 25 characters so often the title would not be meaningful. The title can be up to 50 characters before it is now.
  • Thai, Punjabi, and Hindi: Final translations to use the new font are implemented in the system.
  • User Home: UX made consistent when the user moves the mouse over the widgets. Now the user sees the same when it is possible to click and navigate from an item.
  • Dashboards are updated to use DataObjectStore. This improves speed and also flexibility in the design.
  • New image editor implemented for edit of uploaded and stored images. Only available in Development.
  • Minor improvements and fixes.

30 August, 2024


  • Channel Editor: ‘Add users’ moved to the menu as a separate action for easier access. The menu is shown to users with the Channel Manager role.
  • Lists: Users Lists were restricted by your channel selection. This is now fixed so you always can select users from all available users according to your roles and access.
  • Thai – all characters are supported with a new font we are adding over the coming releases.
  • Punjabi – all characters are supported with a new font we are adding over the coming releases.
  • Hindi – all characters are supported with a new font we are adding over the coming releases.
  • User Registration Forms: Remaned to the more precise name User Registration Forms. Accessed from Configuration -> User Settings -> User Registration Forms.
  • Screen recording: We have adjusted the bitrate in the recording. This may prevent the few issues we have seen with not being able to transcode the recorded videos on our backend.
  • Minor improvements and fixes.

28 August, 2024


  • Improve phone number input field behaviour in User Registration Forms.
  • Fix get corporate failing api requests in target pages of standard solution.
  • Removed send activation link api’s hardcoded message responses from backend.

27 August, 2024


  • User Registration Forms are now displaying the extra fields.

26 August, 2024


  • Channel invites for new users are now available. It is possible to invite new users directly to a channel now. You can add existing users, new users, or upload from a spreadsheet with users to channels. The new invite menu is available on Channel Editor and Channel Page for Channel Managers.
  • User Login Options as new configuration setting. You can define if phone number and/or Google are valid sign in options. When you disable any of them, then they are removed from the user interface and the user cannot login with the disabled option(-s). Email is default and cannot be removed.
  • User Registration Fields: You can now add extra fields to your forms. The fields are added as you need them and are shown at the end of the form. The field type is numeric only at the moment.
  • Channel device cover is based on the browser cover. Simplifies setup as only one image is needed. Only available in Development.
  • Minor improvements and fixes.

23 August, 2024


  • AI Text-to-Speech: The loudspeaker icon stays pressed until the speech finishes. This way you cannot speak in parallel.
  • Share task: Existing courses are now opened in a new tab to give better admin navigation.
  • Product pricing: Configuration for Product Pricing has two new grids – channel prices and course prices. Here you have the overview of all defined prices.
  • Channel sorting by drag and drop is fixed. Your setting was stored, but the sorting was not made in the channel page.
  • Reset user/login issues: We have received support calls on people having problems logging in when they used their standard browser. We now clear the full local cache on Reset User and Password Reset. This should minimize the inconvenience of using a different browser to login and reset.
  • Channel and Course Device cover is remodelled based on the browser cover image. Saves an image to configure. Available in Development only.
  • Minor improvements and fixes.

20 August, 2024


  • Course Page has a new section: Course contact. Here you can set the name, email, phone number and a comment for a course contact. The contact is set on Content Editor, ‘Details’ tab. When you open the dialog then the current user’s information is inserted as default.
  • Share Task: When you create a single group, then you navigate to the new group when sharing is done.
  • Product Price dialog always shows the minimum value for the selected currency. It is not possible to enter values until a currency is selected. You cannot save the dialog unless there is at least one price larger than the minimum currency defined by Stripe.
  • Product price count is displayed when you have defined one or more prices for a Channel or a Course Page.
  • Whereby integration is updated to use a newer component from Whereby. This makes the integration better when the meeting is started and ended.
  • Content Editor – by popular demand we have removed the warning that you have topics without quiz questions when you share or update course content.
  • Configuration -> Integration -> Integrations: Help description is now available for all integration items.
  • Dashboard editing is moved to ‘uQualio only’ menu and the dashboard main menu is the same for all user roles.
  • Pricing Model is extended with AI features for future inclusion into the subscription features.
  • Minor improvements and fixes.

12 August, 2024


  • Meeting integration on Course Page. The users sees ‘Join meeting’ in the start button, when a meeting is in progress.
  • Quick Create hides option ‘Add topic to existing content’ when the account has no active content.
  • AI Transcript Generation: In some cases when you uploaded multiple videos in one go, then not all video transcripts were stored with the video.
  • Product Pricing – minor updates for Course and Channel specific pricing.
  • Dashboard edit is changed for uQualio admin. Dashboards are now edited in a new menu. uQualio admin will see the same as normal admins under the main menu Dashboards.
  • Internal free trials can only be created for internal email domains,  and
  • Minor improvements and fixes.

10 August, 2024


  • Course Page start action shows ‘Join meeting’ for normal users, when a meeting is in progress.
  • Quick Create hides the option to add topics to an existing course, when no courses are active.
  • Pricing for channels and courses now works with specific prices for the items.
  • Help updated in Content Editor and related areas.
  • Minor improvements and fixes.

8 August, 2024


  • Whereby integration updated based on first production uses.
  • Integrations: We have added a link to the video tutorial for each of the integrations. It is available from the integration settings in Configuration -> Integration -> Integrations.
  • eCommerce: When you have eCommerce enabled, then you can set course and channel specific prices. The default price is used when the sales item is without a specific price (default prices are set in Configuration -> eCommerce -> Product Prices).
  • Minor improvements and fixes

8 August, 2024


  • Authenticated users now see sales item channels on the Directory if there are sales item courses and/or lead generation courses available.
  • Anonymous users now see sales item channelse as well as public channels with sales item courses and/or lead generation courses.
  • The embedded course is now loading the tile image fast so the integration into your website is much smoother.
  • Users/Reports now allow for more than one Users List as filter. This makes it easy to see users from two lists in the reports.
  • Tag cloud shows a spinner when it loads as it can take some time when there are many tags in the Directory.
  • Search now shows ‘Searching…’ when the search is executing.
  • Sign up text is changed to Request Access on the login form, when Request Access is enabled in Configuration -> User Settings -> Request Access.
  • Product Price is being made available as course and channel specific pricing. You will be able to have different prices on different courses and channels. The initial work is available now and the final changes come in the next releases.
  • Whereby opens the meeting in a new tab to help the user navigate more and also give more real estate for the meeting.
  • Meeting Status added to course page for setting logic for admins and users.
  • Minor improvements and fixes.

22 July, 2024


  • When a user has pending invites to the channel and/or the account, then they change state for ‘Accessed’, when the user accesses a course. As the course is published on a channel in the account, then this is the same as access to the channel and/or account.
  • Channel Editor: ‘Video Guide’ for each of the page ‘Design Channel Page’, ‘Design Landing Page’, and ‘Manage Channels’ is moved to ‘?’ for each option.
  • Video player is now loaded faster. We have added a preload of the video player and reusing the existing player on the course page. This means that in many cases the video will play with a shorter wait from click to playback.
  • Reports: In some reports the user property ‘Org. Code’ was filtered away before the report data was presented to the user.
  • Distribute task is updated to improve performance for the initial steps.
  • Share content is updated to improve performance.
  • Admin interface: The empty area is removed as it is only relevant for Courses and Channels. This gives more space to the page content.
  • Free trial: When you enter an invalid email you are notified why.
  • Mouseflow integration is updated to include the corporate’s affiliate id which is the contact id in HubSpot.
  • Whereby/Meeting Provider: When no meeting provider is active, then the menu items are hidden on course page.
  • Minor improvements and fixes.

16 July, 2024


  • Reports: Content reports now all shown Created By/Changed By information. Column headers update to make clear that this is for the report item and not the content with topics or questions.
  • Video help tutorials: In some cases the help text was not shown, only the video.
  • Minor improvements and fixes.

14 July, 2024


  • Whereby meeting integration updated to allow setting API key and account domain in Configuration -> Integration -> Integrations. The integration is still uQualio internal test only.
  • Freemium accounts were changed to Active on renewal. Fixed so they stay on Freemium.
  • Account creation questions are sent to HubSpot again. After Get Started page was introduced this was not updated in HubSpot but only in the app.
  • Minor improvements and fixes.

10 July, 2024


  • Minor improvements and fixes.

8 July, 2024


  • Share task now sets Content Version when Share is used on the Channel in Course Manager. As the content version is known, we should only share that version and not a new content version.
  • User Following is set active as default for new accounts.
  • Free trial emails are validated with HubSpot mail check. It is more strict then our standard email validation.
  • Integration items have a HelpTopic added. Topics are created. The help ‘?’ will be added later on each integration type.
  • C# cleanup in backend on unused code and legacy classes.
  • Minor improvements and fixes.

4 July, 2024


  • TwentyThree integration is now ready for production. The last internal test showed no further issues in our Level 1 integration.
  • Get Started: Changed to only create content and not a full group with invite etc. Change meeting link to new course giving overview of uQualio.
  • Additional illegal domains added to prevent scaming etc.
  • Minor improvements and fixes.

2 July, 2024


  • Mobile player for iOS is updated to use the Apple player to improve full screen display on mobile iOS devices. Apple shows header/address bar/tabs as their default setting. The player has an extra ‘play’ icon which will be removed for iOS devices in a future version. The player will look different as we use the Apple player and not our own player.
  • Meta tags for uQualio internal pages updated.
  • Minor improvements and fixes.

1 July, 2024


  • Users/Reports: Bulk edit did not allow change of text values. This is fixed.
  • Minor improvements and fixes.

29 June, 2024


  • Language selection now supports typing to select language. As we have added more languages the dropdown is too long for smaller screens. Now you can type to select language.
  • Content Editor: When you click on the topic thumbnail, Edit Topic opens.
  • Course Manager: Generate groups for programs. During group generation the program’s setting for notification was ignored.
  • Directory: Tile font is descreased on mobile view to show more of the title and description.
  • Programs: all actions are shown always. They change state when they can be used.
  • Users and Reports: all actions are shown always. They change state when they can be used.
  • Lists: all actions are shown always. They change state when they can be used.
  • Minor improvements and fixes.

28 June, 2024


  • Course Manager is updated to present items in more slim layout. The image is only shown on the top item and the channel item. Information to each item has a new layout where the first line is the title and the second line course properties and course from/to dates.
  • Arabic and Malay are now available as AI speech-to-text and text-to-speech languages. Both languages are also available as caption language.
  • Share task (formerly Distribution task) has information about number of active courses on the first stpe. The information tells you that more active groups are available so you may reuse one of them before sharing a new group.
  • Create Course: the dialog image is shown faster as the image is compressed prior to display in the dialog.
  • Course Page, mobile display, landscape: With some newer mobile phones the videos were not displayed with a player fitted to the size of the device. The video player was shown as on a table. This is now updated to make the video player fit the device’s height and width better.
  • REST API: Endpoints that return group information (Target data) has the course length in seconds added as new data field.
  • Minor improvements and fixes.

27 June, 2024


  • REST API: Endpoints that return group information (Target data) has the number of users enrolled added as new data field.
  • Course Page website integration updated. The course page widgets are reduced to topics, short description, and resources. This makes it easier to integrate in your website. The video player is better adapted to match the size of the screen.
  • Course Manager, groups now have the integration link.
  • Minor improvements and fixes.

26 June, 2024


  • Course page website integration updated with more improvements. The option to collapse the course is extended to cover Test Runner and Achievement. Tile image is resized prior to display to optimize initial load time.
  • Course page website integration code sets a unique id every time you generate the code. This enables multiple course integrations on the same web pages. Expand and collapse is made individually for each integration.
  • Onboarding pages and Get Started page are now shown without links to directory, notifications, and user home. This way the user is introduced to the elements in a structure manner.
  • Arabic added as caption language.
  • Minor improvements and fixes.

25 June, 2024


  • Course page embedded updated with improvements and fixes from internal testing. The course page has a new link, ‘Integrate on website’. The link copies the code to use for embedding the course page on your website as an expandable element.
  • Share task, Notification Step: The step is updated to fit better with a smaller screen.
  • Tags cloud is reactive and resizes according to the browser’s size.
  • Directory course carousel can be sorted alphabetically (only available on demand, contact support if you want this). The feature will be added to Directory Settings later for general usage.
  • Minor improvements and fixes

24 June, 2024


  • Distribution task is renamed to Share. This is easier to understand and has received best feedback from the peer group on what makes it clearer.
  • Categories have a number of error corrections implemented. In some cases the category changes were not recorded correctly on the content.
  • New course page display ‘headless’ in internal PoC. Enables you to embed the course page directly into websites like e.g. WordPress. Still in development and full scope not defined.
  • Minor improvements and fixes

21 June, 2024


  • TwentyThree Level 1 integration released to Production. You can now use the new integration and include your TwentyThree videos with a a few click. You enable the integration in Configuration -> Integration -> Integrations. When you have entered the API keys, then you will see the TwentyThree logo when you select ‘Add videos’ in Content Editor.
  • New Distribution task created. Split into more steps to make it easier to understand the flow. Added feature to ‘skip to the end’ if you just take the default settings.
  • Course Manager: ‘Distribute’ task is renamed to ‘Share’. Based on customer and internal feedback, then this is clearer.
  • Languages are updated to show the language name in the local name and the English name after, e.g. ‘Dansk (Danish)’.
  • Course Manager waits a short while when you make changes to the filter selections. This means that we do not load data immediately every time you e.g. add a language to the filter selection. The search is faster as you do not load for each click on the selection.
  • Account onboarding: Step ‘User’ is dropped from the task.
  • Minor improvements and fixes 

19 June, 2024


  • User Settings is now organized into two page: Settings and Reset Password. This makes it easier for the user to locate and change settings.
  • Search results now open the result in a new tab. This way your search is available if you need to go back and check another search result. It is no longer required to repeat the search.
  • The Channel video now shows the video length on the tile.
  • Feedback messages now allow for videos formats MHKV and WEBM. Previously they were excluded as legal video format for feedback messages.
  • TwentyThree video integration is finalised in Configuration -> Integration -> Integrations. There are some details with the configuration dialog and the video titles when importing into uQualio for course use.
  • Whereby integration made available in Configuration -> Integration -> Integrations. The initial settings and preparations for production are in place.
  • Minor improvements and fixes

14 June, 2024


  • User Home: Consistent mouse over effect implemented. You see a hand, when you can click on the item. For non-hyperlinks, then the square is highlighted when the mouse moves over the element.
  • Added big tech names a forbidden account names in the subdomain we create. The risk of phising is higher when they are allowed in some form as part of the account domain name.
  • Onboarding flow updates, only two questions, and the last page is updated for better mobile account creation.
  • Minor improvements and fixes

13 June, 2024


  • It is possible to specify the UX language on links to anonymous users. You can define what language the user will see the pages in. This helps you when you create course links on you website in other languages. Add e.g. ‘language=tr-TR’ to the URL as query parameter to open the page in Turkish. Please contact uQualio support for all language code.
  • Course Manager is updated to use another UX component as part of upcoming design updates. The ‘+’ button is replaced by a ‘>’ for expanding any sub-items. The items are made shorter so they occupy less vertical space and you can see more courses.
  • Publishing Settings dialog is divided into two tabs. This way you have fewer elements and can set publishing settings easier.
  • Resource grids are sorted descending according to created date. The newest elements will be at the top of the grid to make it easier to find recently uploaded items.
  • Resources have a new field for ALT text. The text is displayed when the user hovers over. It will later be added to images to improve experience for visually impaired users.
  • API is updated to return the course page id (TargetId) when you request user and course related information.
  • TwentyThree interface for getting videos is still in progress (uQualio internal use only)
  • WhereBY is now displayed in the Course page and not as a dialog (uQualio internal use only)
  • Kendo TreeView component is removed from the application.
  • Minor improvements and fixes

10 June, 2024


  • Content Editor: ‘Reuse topic’ is no longer shown as option for ‘Add Video’ when you have no topics available for reuse.
  • User Profile page hides ‘Communication’ tab for non-admin users looking at the User Profile. ‘Status’ widget no longer shows ‘Test passed’ as this is a duplication of the Achievement widget information.
  • Account Onboarding: Menu items ‘Admin’ and ‘Quick Create’ are hidding during the onboarding steps.
  • Removed a couple Kendo dependencies.
  • Minor improvements and fixes

6 June, 2024


  • Quick Create updated to make ‘Upload’ primary action for both new content and adding a new video to existing content.
  • TwentyThree integration is ready on the API level. We will add the UI and settings in Configuration -> Integration in one of the coming releases.
  • App login page is made simpler.
  • YouTube and Vimeo are now made configurable as video provider. In Configuration -> Integration you can disable either YouTube link or Vimeo links if you do not want your content managers to include this in your courses.
  • Unsplash free images is now made configurable. In Configuration -> Integration you can disable Unsplash as being shown as image provider.
  • Application is upgraded to Angular 14. A number of forms are converted to Typed Forms as part of the upgrade. We will update remaining forms from Untyped to Typed as we continue development.
  • Minor improvements and fixes

31 May, 2024


  • Swahili released as new language in first version.
  • User Follower tile is updated to the new UX for tile layout.
  • Minor improvements and fixes

30 May, 2024


  • Update missing Turkish translations.
  • Language selector only show language name, not flag.
  • User Information Form’s actions are shown disabled by default, will be enabled on single selection. ‘Copy’ action fills out header field in opening dialog.
  • Distribute dialog settings step’s ‘Protected’ & ‘Public’ options are shown disabled with help icons in trial & free accounts.

28 May, 2024


  • AI Text-to-Speech added as feature for Quiz and Test questions. The user can click on the loudspeaker and the text will be read to her. This improves support for people with low reading skills or being visually impaired. We support 20+ languages.
  • AI Configuration page added. The configuration initially makes it possible to see the lists of supported ‘Text-to-Speech’ languages and the ‘Speech-to-Text’ languages. As more AI features and tools are made available they will be configured here for accounts with the AI features included in their subscription.
  • Turkish is a new language supported in the application. Users can select to have the course and channel pages displayed in Turkish.
  • Advanced Settings: Lead Generation dialog is made clearer so you better understand where and how the texts are used.
  • Minor improvements and fixes

23 May, 2024


  • Resources has a new field for ‘Alt text’. The ‘Alt text’ is an optional field, which is displayed as ‘alt text’ for images and documents. This helps people understand the item better and improves support for visually impaired people.
  • Resource upload in Content Manager and Channel Editor is followed by the option to add resource details.
  • Resource upload in Library including multifile upload is followed by the option to add resource details.
  • User Home has a new User Profile Completion widget. Here the user sees how far she is with updating her profile.
  • Integrations in Configuration is extended with the control for YouTube, Vimeo as video providers and Unsplash as image provider. When the final elements are added you can control whether they should be allowed as providers for your platform.
  • Minor improvements and fixes

21 May, 2024


  • User Home: ‘About Me’ is moved to Settings for the user and displayed for other users only.
  • User Home – Follower tile uses the same ‘Follow/Unfollow’ smiley toggle face as on User Home. Position is also lower right corner of the user image.
  • YouTube and Vimeo videos are now shown with the volume control.
  • Edit Topic – AI Tasks has information about status and plans as well as email to uQualio support.
  • WhereBy video meeting PoC updated and re-entered internal test process.
  • AI Video transcribe now works for all languages support by AssemblyAI. We automatically switch language model to the best when available – otherwise ‘Nano’ is used.
  • Minor improvements and fixes

20 May, 2024


  • In Users and Reports you can now open the user’s home page with status and summary information. The user page opens in a new tab.
  • Email DNS settings are now displayed in Configuration -> System -> System Email Address. The values for SPF, DKIM, and DMARC for the email domain are displayed. This way you can see you can send emails from the domain with high likelihood of deliver. Learn more here: uQualio® Support Channel: Deliver Emails with confidence
  • Record Screen will now tell the user that access to either screen, camera, and/or microphone is prohibited. This way you can update settings before recording. Previously in some cases you could start recording without having the required access rights.
  • Course Manager: Create Course action is moved to the left and aligned with the main menu. This should make it easier to find for most users.
  • TwentyThree video platform, Level 1 integration, initial work.
  • Minor improvements and fixes

16 May, 2024


  • AI text-to-speech: As a user I can now get questions and answers read for me. When you press the loudspeaker icon, then the text is read to you. This helps people get the information even if they cannot see the text or are not good readers.
  • Font sizes are updated for browser and devices. Some of the device fonts were too large and gave too little room for the text to display. We have reduce the font sizes on mobile devices so you will see the same text for browser and device in most cases. Please contact uQualio support if you find examples where it still does not fit on mobile devices.
  • Course Page – topic transcript stays open when you move from topic to topic. If you have decided to show the transcript, then it is kept open when the next topic also has a transcript attached.
  • User Home now has a widget for Follow/Following. As a user I can see the count of users following me or being followed by me. The information is also available, when you view another user’s profile page.
  • Channel Editor updated with separate editors for Channel Page and Landing Page. All accounts can now save a landing page for the channel. You still need the eCommerce module to publish the landing page for the channel.
  • Channel Editor navigation simplified. Instead of 3 to 4 navigation levels it is reduced to one navigation bar.
  • Channel Editor Settings tab updated to match importance of each element.
  • Topics – Edit Topic: A new page called ‘AI Tools’ is added to topic details. It is currently inactive, but shows the expected options for AI features on topics.
  • Content Editor: information about changed/published is moved to Details -> Properties.
  • Content Editor: Description field is renamed to Learning Objectives.
  • Onboading – new page Get Started. Get Started shows the user three options to move on after having passed Account Settings. Get Started works on mobile too and will give users an option to make a course without having to try using the scaled down admin interface.
  • Course Manager: When your account only has one channel, then the tab ‘Courses’ is not shown. The content is the same for Published and Courses when you only have one channel. You access course settings through ‘All’.
  • Course Manager: You are no longer navigated to ‘Published’ after distributing a new group. You stay in the selection where you were.
  • Help hover over now has option to open the full topic. When you hover over a question mark the first part of the help text is shown. We have added an arrow icon in the lower right corner that will show the full help topic included video and text.
  • Set image/video is simplified and made faster as you select the action (upload, reuse, Unsplash) first and then do the action. Previously you had to wait for all images to load and then select e.g. Upload. The new UI is partly implemented and will be changed across the system in the coming releases.
  • Standard solution has an updated logo and correct brand colors for primary, secondary, and tertiary actions.
  • Minor improvements and fixes

8 May, 2024


  • Course Page, Topic display now includes the transcript on the side of the video. This makes it possible to show the video and have the transcript available for reading details.
  • Directory page tag cloud updated with better colors to separate the items. The tag cloud is adjust better in vertical size to match the number of tags better.
  • Digtective interface updated. We now default the three required parameters (Session Id, Browser, and Path).
  • Minor improvements and fixes

7 May, 2024


  • Topic transcript can be shown next to the video. If you have a transcript for the video you can show it next to the video. Then your users can read this in addition to watching the video.
  • Configuration Account Default Images and Channel Images are organized so all images in one coloumn and not mixed with color and background settings.
  • Multi-assign and Distribution tasks no longer so dropdown with existing lists unless at least one list exists.
  • Quiz Runner: Updated the action colors and how the final message is shown when all quiz questions are answered.
  • AI language support for transcription is added to check that we can transcribe the content’s language with our AI engine.
  • Minor improvements and fixes

5 May, 2024


  • Course page updated for topic display. We have made it cleared where the topic starts and ends by adding a background color to box it in.
  • Quick Create does not add the video title as description anymore. The text was not relevant for most cases as files often were more technical than real names.
  • Content preview now displays a progress bar. You see a better preview when this is added similar to how the user will see the course page.
  • Minor improvements and fixes

3 May, 2024


  • Content Editor: The tabs Details and Settings are merged to a single tab called ‘Details’.
  • User Home for other users is now available for admin users. The numbers are not yet calculated and presented with all counts are listed as ‘0.
  • Course Page has improved access to settings. You can now Edit Content, Settings, Advanced Setting, and Invitation (only for private groups) directly from the ‘…’ menu. This saves you clicks and time when you review or change settings.
  • Tag Cloud updates to show the strongest color to the item with the highest frequency. The count is removed after the tag text. The user is guided to click on the tag to search as the mouse changes to the hand.
  • The breadcrumb no longer shows the starting point ‘admin’. Admin users always have the access from the top menu bar.
  • AI PoC – added extra logging to analyze errors from the AI engine.
  • Minor improvements and fixes

30 April, 2024


  • Tags in Directory are now shown as a tag cloud. The tag cloud is the default display, when you have more than 10 tags and the tags are shown on Directory top.
  • My Account now shows the account’s expiry date. Previously you would have to open Billing to see this information.
  • User Home can now be seen as admin user (in progress).
  • Quiz Runner: Next/Previous added to navigation for browsers.
  • Free trial can now be made with email only. Password is created by the system and a reset link is sent to the entered email.
  • Minor improvements and fixes

29 April, 2024


  • Screen recording is now done with higher resolution.
  • Record video is now done with higher resolution.
  • Users now have the improved User Home as default page if they are not invited to any courses or do not have access to courses or channels. Previously, the user was directed to ‘History’, which often was empty for new users.
  • User Home: fonts made consistent. ‘My Statistics’ is renamed to ‘History’.
  • Course Page topic videos now fit devices in landscape better. The video is shown within the higth of the device and maintains the correct aspect ration.
  • Test Runner: We have improved storing the user’s selection so it reduces the time with about 0.2 second per question.
  • Minor improvements and fixes

26 April, 2024


  • Help information is now shown when you move the mouse over the question marks in the application. You see a couple of lines of text with the help information so you do not have to open full help dialog in order to get the main point of the item you want to know more about.
  • Users, Assign To: When you search for channel or groupe, then you can type ahead to filter the available options.
  • Color codes can now be set directly by typing or pasting when you use the Color Editor with Opacity. This is often helpful as you have the color codes in text format and can apply them by pasting it into the editable color code field. You can enable able the Color Editor with Opacity in: Configuration -> Design -> Color Settings -> Enable Settting Opacity on colors.
  • Dashboard background color is now set as the account’s background color. You can set the background color in : Configuration -> Design -> Color Settings -> Background Color.
  • AI Dubbing Proof-of-Concept initiated.
  • Minor improvements and fixes

25 April, 2024


  • Google signin is hidden when User Signup is disabled in Configuration -> User Settings.
  • User Home user widget is updated to the new UX design.
  • Minor improvements and fixes

24 April, 2024


  • User Dashboard is updated with Status and My Statistics widgets.
  • User Dashboard has new tabs for Courses, Achievements, and Communication.
  • Screen recording always stores a local copy of your recording before upload. This saves you time if the upload should fail.
  • Channel and Course page: Cover page is updated with text lower to make better fit with existing cover images.
  • Database: Primary key is added to all inheritated tables.
  • Minor AI feature updates.
  • Minor improvements and fixes

19 April, 2024


  • Course Page cover image and text. We have moved the course title, subtitle and start button lower on the cover image. This new position should make existing cover images look better as the text is no longer going into new parts of the image compared to the previous UX design.
  • Content Editor: New tab Settings added. On Settings you find less used options such as Course Tile and Quiz User Image. You have less elements in the main Course tabs and can focus on making the course content.
  • Content Editor: New tab Badges. We have moved the badges to a separate tab. This way it is easy to find them and update them as needed. Badges are shown with the course topics when the user views the course page. It is only when you manage content that it is separated.
  • Channel Editor: New tab Settings added. Here you find channel settings, which you do not use of often. The Channel Editor page is made simpler by moving elements like Channel Tile etc.
  • User Home: The inital user widget for status is added. The user sees the summary and other information about courses and activities. Further updates are coming with the next released. The existing widgets are still being displayed for now. They are replaced in the coming releases.
  • Google Sign In: updates to the timing issue.
  • Channel Page/Course Page Technical Information enhanced with more details. When you cannot access a channel or course, then we display technical information that helps you in finding the reason why a particular page is not displayed to the user.
  • Minor improvements and fixes

17 April, 2024


  • Test Runner auto-saves text questions. Previously you had to manually save your text answer.
  • Course Page and Channel Page breadcrumb is moved to the top of the cover image. Customer feedback on this part of the new UX showed that the position often overlapped the cover image in an unattractive way.
  • Minor improvements and fixes

16 April, 2024


  • Test Runner is updated to new UX design. The question numbers are moved above the question to make it clearer that you should focus on the question and the navigation.
  • DiggerInterface updated based on feedback from Digitective.
  • Google Sign In: the check for in-progress login requests is extended with a check on the user’s id through a unique fingerprint.
  • Minor improvements and fixes

15 April, 2024


  • Programs: In some cases ther users were not removed from the role Course Assistant, when the program’s settings were updated or the program was deleted.
  • Pathfindr PoC for video and screen recording removed.
  • DNS check integration made for Configuration -> System -> System Support Email use. The DNS entries for SPF, DMARC, and DKIM are available for later display in Configuration.
  • Free trial accounts will have ‘’ configured as System Email Address (Configuration -> System -> System Email Address). This makes it possible to deliver emails without having to update DNS for the customer’s email domain in the trial period.
  • Minor improvements and fixes

13 April, 2024


  • AI Proof-of-Concept features are made available in Staging for AI transcript and captions as well as in Production for uQualio admin on text-to-speech.
  • Minor improvements and fixes

12 April, 2024


  • Course Page & Content Editor: A new field ‘About’ is available for a short course description. The field is shown at the top of the course page on Course tab. The description is now shown on the Details tab.
  • Programs: Course Assistant can now be set and removed as the only change to the program. The toggle for Course Assistant now works when you change this program setting as the only item.
  • Programs: Course Assistants roles are now removed when the program is deleted. Previously the user could keep the role even when the last course was no longer available.
  • Course Lists: The course name is now displayed as column, when you add existing courses to your course list. Before you saw the name of the course group, but this was always empty as it does not exists on a course.
  • Minor improvements and fixes

9 April, 2024


  • Programs: New report added to Analytics ‘Admins’. You can now see the users with any admin role in the program as well as other non-group related roles.
  • Channel has a new ‘About’ field to supplement ‘Description’, initial work.
  • Authentication errors now logs the user out. This should prevent reported issues with partly authenticated users.
  • Minor improvements and fixes

8 April, 2024


  • Content Editor and Channel Editor are now completely in the new UX design. There are tabs for setting the widget similar to what you see on course pages and channel pages.
  • Video topic progress is made clearer as the progress bar on the image is made in primary colors.
  • Quiz Runner now display your selected answer for a couple of seconds before moving on to the next question in the quiz.
  • Drop-down selection process improved with new ‘Apply’ button. In some cases it was not clear how to close a drop-down box after changing the selection. We have added an ‘Apply’ button that appears on top of the drop-down to make it clearer how you make the selection.
  • Video player now stops when you click on e.g. Video Guide or Send Message actions.
  • Google authenication for new users failed in some cases.
  • Minor improvements and fixes 

31 March, 2024


  • Billing features are now shown in the Billing Portal. The Billing Portal shows all your credit cards and invoices. Here you can change the default card, update, add or remove cards as well as view privious invoices.
  • Content Editor: Updated with tabs as the new UX design.
  • Channel Editor: Updated with tabs as the new UX design.
  • Minor improvements and fixes

27 March, 2024


  • UX design updates – Optimize font sizes for both desktop & mobile devices, Course page topics
  • Course tile displays access & authorization info to admin users
  • Channel & Course page cover image gradient has smoother blend effect
  • Minor improvements and fixes

24 March, 2024


  • Cover pages can be set not to show gradients. Control this by the new configuration setting: Configuration -> Design -> Colors -> Enable Cover Gradient. Default value is set, but you can unset it so the cover images are shown without the gradient.
  • Tile mobile view. The heading font size was too large. We have reduced it so you see the same text as in the browser.
  • Minor improvements and fixes

24 March, 2024


  • Channel page: Font size for channel name reduced to previous size (32px).
  • UX design updates
  • Text with show/hide: Text size of show/hide is reduced.
  • Opacity control made available in Standard.
  • Improved information when a user cannot access a course or channel. We have added technical information when a user cannot access a course or channel. The information will help us determine why the user cannot access the course or channel.
  • Minor improvements and fixes

23 March, 2024


  • UX design updates
  • Minor improvements and fixes

23 March, 2024


  • UX design updates
  • Minor improvements and fixes

21 March, 2024


  • Internal release only
  • New UX is released! Major update for the end user experience in uQualio.
  • Courses and channels are shown faster on Directory and Channel pages.
  • AI Proof-of-Concept implementation for transcript, captions, and text to speech (internal release only)
  • Database indexes added some places to improve performance

6 March, 2024


  • HOTFIX: Channel tile, stack effect was fixed to uQualio primary color. Set to gray as default 

4 March, 2024


  • Admin link move to top menu between icon and Quick Create. The admin option is removed from the user menu.
  • Course tile UX updates based on customer feedback and test
  • Free trial check box changed to a checkmark instead of colored fill in.
  • Corporate table extended with Directory images and colors.
  • Minor improvements and fixes

3 March, 2024


  • Channel courses are now displayed in the new UX design.
  • UX update of the new course and channel tiles based on initial customer feedback.
  • Video size up to 6GB can be uploaded, limit up from 5GB.
  • Course Manager: Showing the course tree is optimized and should be faster for all uses.
  • More database index updates to improve performance for regular cases.
  • Fullview is no longer availalble for mobile devices.
  • Minor improvements and fixes

28 February, 2024


  • Completed courses sometimes failed to open the achievement page for the user’s achievement.
  • Database indexes updated for further performance improvements.
  • Full query parameter string is added to the HubSpot deal created by free trial (Digitective related).
  • Minor improvements and fixes

28 February, 2024


  • Quiz questions are easier when the user answers incorrectly. The incorrect answer option is removed from the next question round so there is one option less to select. The new feature can disabled in Advanced Settings. The default setting is to reduce the answer options.
  • Course and Channel tiles are now shown in new UX design.
  • Poll questions now show statistics for anonymous users. The user can see the answer distribution as well as her own answer to the question.
  • Advanced Settings, Video step: The invite settings are only shown for private groups. Public and protected groups do not have an invite.
  • Google Ad tracking codes added to /freetrial pages.
  • Digger interface updated to match query parameters from Digitective in WordPress.
  • Database indexes updated for main content tables. Performance improved for many parts of the system.
  • Minor improvements and fixes 

19 February, 2024


  • Accounts without tags would show empty directory pages (hotfix).

18 February, 2024


  • Tags on Directory pages can now be shown on top about the courses and channel. You can set the new definition in Configuration -> Settings -> Directory. The default settings for new accounts are top and collapsed.
  • Channel resources were sometimes removed incorrectly from the resource widget. It was related to the resource lists added a short while ago.
  • Meta tags now support the new tabs on course pages so the tile is created with the course’s values and not the default values.
  • Report User feedback shows the message in a dialog when you want to see more than the first 50 characters of the message body.
  • User image is shown as empty photo and not the default logo image for the account.
  • New breadcrumb is shown on Channel and Course Pages. This is part of the new UX coming in the next sprints.
  • Digger/Digitective: Initial interface for internal use added.
  • Minor improvements and fixes

14 February, 2024


  • Advanced Settings: updates to the new task view
  • Opacity configuration: updates to the new color setting feature
  • Free trial links. /freetrial/form now redirects to /freetrial and displays the full freetrial form with texts etc. New form link is /freetrial/formpage which only shows the form and nothing else.
  • Minor improvements and fixes

14 February, 2024


  • Test Runner has updated navigation. The main actions (previous, pause, finish) are designed as tertiary colors in while the test is taken. This descreases the visual focus on the bottom of the test question.
  • Colors can now be defined with opacity. A number of our customers have requested the option to define the opacity of colors in the design. You can now configure display of opacity in Design -> Colors -> Enable setting opacity on colors. Colors are then displayed with an opacity slider for e.g. text font color and text background color.
  • User feedback on courses has a simplified dialog. Now the options for Record Screen and Upload are shown as actions and other actions are hidden in the ‘…’ menu. It makes it easier to select an action if needed. The mobile feedback does not include screen recording as this is limited on many mobile platforms.
  • When a user has passed a course the checkmark is changed from a small checkmark in the lower right corner to a large checkmark centered on the tile image.
  • Advanced Settings is changed to a task with four steps. Each of the ares is a single step so you can see each area isolated in a more specific view with less elements. It is separted into Topics, Quiz & Test, Achievement, and Lead Generation.
  • Public and Protected courses are now moved to state ‘Deleted’ when archived. User feedback has shown that the process around these course access types were not clear. This way it is easier to make new public or protected courses.
  • Show Usage is updated based on customer feedback and first production use.
  • Minor improvements and fixes

3 February, 2024


  • Tags now always have a border so it is clearer for the user they can click on it.
  • Tags: In some cases we created an empty tag when you pasted values into the Content Editor as part of creating new tags.
  • Minor improvements and fixes

30 January, 2024


  • Channel Landing page now displays the channels courses in a carousel below the page. This gives the user simple access to available courses so you do not have to embed links in the landing page to the channel or courses on the channel.
  • Certificates: All parts of the image now is a link to the course. Previously it was only the course name that was a link.
  • Search on mobile devices shows maximum 10 tags to leave more space for the search results.
  • Select image closes as soon as one image is selected directly. When the user clicks to select an image it is not possible to click ‘Upload’. This removes some confusion customers have reported when only selecting one image.
  • ‘Show Usage’ is extended with the option to select one or more items displayed and change the state. This enables as quicker organisation of your content and courses as they can be updated in one go without having to refresh between each operation.
  • Configuration is updated to have new +/- icons for expand and collaps.
  • Tasks have been updated to have navigation at the top so you always can find the next step or back to the previous step.
  • Copy Content (uQualio only) did not copy all physical video, image, and other resource files. This is now fixed for all elements except resource lists, answer images.
  • DevExpress components are now at version 23.2.
  • Content Editor now has a ‘Details’ tab to similar to what is implemented for the Course Page (development only).
  • Minor improvements and fixes

18 January, 2024


  • Main menu has help icons added so users can see the page video directly.
  • Content Editor, Edit Topic: For YouTube and Vimeo videos you can copy the link to the video from ‘Show Details’.
  • Content Editor, Edit Topic: Next/back actions added to guide the user better to question and resource pages.
  • Content Editor: Tooltip behavior improved.
  • Search results simplified. Tags are removed from the search result item. This make the search result more compact as the tags no longer takes up one or more lines in the result.
  • Minor improvements and fixes

15 January, 2024


  • Error with multi-assigned fixed. An unexpected side effect of a third-party component update made multi-assign tasks fail.

14 January, 2024


  • Configuration: All reset actions require user confirmation before being reset to default. This prevents  you from changing your branding colors from the settings you defined earlier on the platform.
  • Search from main menu always defaults to Course and Channel. This increases use of the search result in the first search. When you are an admin you can add additional types into the search.
  • Course Page, Quiz Runner: The resource items are made similar in size and the download option is removed. The user interface looks more consistent. Download is available from Document Preview (if download is enabled in Configuration -> System -> Resources download).
  • Minor improvements and fixes

12 January, 2024


  • Achievement page is updated to have a better layout for the user. The actions have a label to give a better indication of what the next step is for the user.
  • Certificate – texts are adapted better when the title is long. In almost all cases the text will be within the certificate.
  • Course Page, Quiz Runner: We have made the resource links and buttons smaller and better aligned. Download option is moved to  document preview.
  • Badge Editor: the badge layout is moved up as the first selection on the badge.
  • Badge default configuration: You now set the badge defaults in the Badge Editor. This way you have a better visual understanding of how the badge will look as default.
  • Minor improvements and fixes

4 January, 2024


  • Course Page, Topics: Resources are now listed before the quiz. This puts more focus on the related resources to each topic.
  • Course Page, Statistics widget: The charts are now created with DevExpress like our dashboard. Improved layout and better lable management.
  • Course Page: tabs renamed (course page -> course, course details -> details) and swapped action button and tabs navigation.
  • Free trial form has a unique formid for use with tracking (Zoho Page Sense) 
  • Configuration -> Design -> Badges: The new badge layout is now available as option for default layout.
  • Configuration -> Settings -> Course Page Widgets: New course page widget in progress for upcoming course page UX, ‘Course Suggestions’. When the feature is finished course suggestions are displayed at the bottom on the course page as tile tabs like on the Directory page.
  • Minor improvements and fixes

2 January, 2024


  • Course Page: course progress displays progress for Public and Protected courses. Development only.
  • uQualio copyright year is made dynamic so it shows the current year as end.
  • Minor improvements and fixes

1 January, 2024


  • Directory: Tag control is hidden when there are no tags.
  • Directory – Tags: The tags are changed from a simple list with a tag on each line to a tag cloud with buttons in the same colors as the main menu. This gives a more compact and nicer layout.
  • Badge – modern shild type is added a new layout option.
  • Configuration -> Settings -> Course Page Widgets: updated formatting to match the new Course Page Tabs.
  • Calculating pricing model has rate limit increased to 60 per minute based on user experiences.
  • Minor improvements and fixes